Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Our Almost Surprise Easter Gift…Family

We had the most special Easter almost surprise this year.  The kids were all planning a trip to come see us for Easter, but in their excitement, they almost forgot to tell us they were coming.  Imagine our excitement when we finally found out.

Our oldest daughter and her family arrived first, so we had a fun day with them and our grandson before our youngest and her fiancé arrived.  Our grandson has been wanting a scooter, so we had a scooter waiting when they arrived.  It was a total hit, but he quickly realized that scooter riding takes a lot more endurance than the bike riding that he is used to.  But we were happy to help him out when he got tired.

We enjoyed some music time and picnics.

The first night everyone was in town we invited  my parents over for dinner.  It was such a great time for everyone.

The rest of the weekend was all about family time.

This little guy is swimming already!

It’s hard to put into words how special this time together was.  We just don’t see each other enough!

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