Saturday, August 15, 2020

We're All In Washington (Sunday, August 2nd, 2020)

Our youngest daughter and her boyfriend made it to Washington this week, to meet the new family member and enjoy a week of working from a different location.  We don't have internet at our RV spot, so our oldest daughter and her husband join us during the day, while the kids use their house as a remote office, then we all get together at night.

The RV looks a little chaotic, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Our youngest daughter is a gardner and a canner, so to our delight, she brought us some pickled beets she had just completed.

They were absolutely amazing!

In one sitting, we finished every single drop.  We felt bad that we didn't leave any for them, but they were just too good!

We're so happy to have them here and can't wait to show them as much of Washington as we can in the few evenings we will have together.  We know they'll love the beauty, summer weather and wildlife that Washing has to offer, but honestly, we think the wild black berries will be the biggest hit of all.  

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