Monday, August 17, 2020

A Pandemic Birthday Party (Wednesday, August 5th, 2020)

 The craziest thing about this pandemic is the restrictions on gatherings.  No more than 6 people should be together at any time, and you should be around no more than 10 different people in a week.  They are finding that these measures are helping to control the spread of the virus.  Another big no-no is gathering with people inside.  So we have all been trying to do as much outside as possible if we are around other people.  

Our RV park has a beautiful lake and a beautiful deck overlooking the lake. The perfect place for an outdoor birthday party.  Our daughter has been planning this for weeks for her friend Brook, and I have to say...she pulled it off splendidly! The preparations are done, now they are just waiting on the guest of honor.  

These six are what we call a pandemic pod.  They all hang out together, without much other outside interaction, making it a pretty safe way for them to get together.

While these six besties enjoyed a night to themselves, the rest of us got to enjoy as much baby time as we wanted back at the RV.  We were so glad they were able to use this sight to pull off an amazing outdoor celebration!  

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