Saturday, August 1, 2020

Stump House, Seabeck, WA (Saturday, July 25th)

Seabeck is a cute little town on the Hood Canal (One of only two fjords in the U.S.).  It's made up of about three buildings in town, and lost of houses in the woods with beautiful views.  

Seabeck is the home of the Guillemot Cove Nature Reserve where there is a nice hike to a Stump House.  So we had a little lunch in the car before hiking in.

 The hike in was beautiful.

When we got to the bottom, we discovered that the beach access and stump house trail was closed due to flooding.  We decided to take the maple loop trail instead.

Not far into the maple loop trail, there was a cut-off that looked like it was going the right direction for the stump house, so we took it.

Oh my, look at this guy.

And we found the stump house.  So cute!  It is the stump of one of the giant cedar trees that are common in the Pacific Northwest.

 The hike back out was just as beautiful as the hike in.


We ended our day with a fun Greek dinner with the kids.

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