Saturday, August 15, 2020

Crazy For Berries (Monday, August 3rd, 2020)

As soon as our daughter and her boyfriend got off work today, we started our first adventure to the berry patch.  Actually, there are wild blackberries everywhere in Washington, but we've been scoping out the very best ones for them all summer.  This particular patch just happens to be on the way to the Dupont community garden. 

They thought they had died and gone to heaven.  We each brought a quart bag to see how many we could get.

We stopped at several different bushes on our way to the garden, trying to keep moving because we knew we didn't have that much time before sun down, and we had a lot to get done.

After picking our way down the path, we enjoyed a stop at the community garden before heading back.

Then we picked our way back up the path to where we would meet our older daughter and her husband for our hike on the Sequalitchew Trail.

We managed to get about a quart each in the short amount of time we had.  We were pretty proud of ourselves!  Now time for a nice evening hike!

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