Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Trinity College and the Book of Kells, Dublin, Ireland (Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019)

Our final stop on the Dublin City Tour was Trinity College.  It is a beautiful campus in the heart of Dublin, and most importantly is the home to the Book of Kells and the Long Room Library.

Our tour started off in the college square before making our way into the Book of Kells exhibit.

Photography was allowed in part of the Book of Kells exhibit, so I attempted to show a bit of it.  The exhibit shows how the books were written and large images of some of the artwork.

The book of Kells is an illustrated manuscript of the four Gospels.  It is believed to have been created in 800 AD by monks of monasteries in Ireland, Scotland and England who wanted even the illiterate to have access to the stories of the life of Jesus.  It is considered to be Ireland's finest National Treasure.

The illustrations in the Book of Kells are the most complex and extravagant of any ever made.

At the end of the exhibit, one of the books is on display, and of course is the highlight of the tour, however, pictures of the book were not allowed.

After leaving the Book of Kells exhibit, we made our way into the Long Room at the Old Library of Trinity College.  It is nearly 65 meters in length and contains 200,000 of the colleges oldest books.  It was built between 1712 and 1732, but was only a single level.  In 1860 the roof was raised  to create the upper gallery bookcases.

The Long Room is an extremely impressive library and collection of books.  It was amazing to walk through it, and feels it's enormity!

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