Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tour of Central Park, NYC (Saturday, July 20th, 2019)

Our plan this morning was to take a carriage ride through Central Park, to allow Steve's parents to see the park without too much walking, but their is currently a heat wave in the city, so they ended up canceling our reservation.  They don't bring the horses into the city if the temperature gets above 89 F, which we agreed with completely! 

So instead of our carriage ride, we decided to have breakfast in the park, and then take a leisurely stroll to see as much of it as we could.

Breakfast was at a little place called La Pain Quotidien.  They had some really nice menu items, including avocado toast, which Steve's mom was really excited to try.

When we finished our breakfast, we headed out on our walk.  The park was bustling with people out enjoying the morning.  I think everyone was trying to get their outside time in before it got too hot, just like we were.

The views from Central park are so pretty!

We stopped often to rest, cool down and really take in the views.

There are so many beautiful statues in the park, and of course, kids make them even better.

As we neared the end of our adventure in the park, we stopped by a pond to watch some sail boat races, and recover from the heat a little bit.

Steve and I brought along our cooling towels that we use for golf in Arizona, and boy were we glad we did!  We gave them to Steve's parents to use while we were out walking, and they really seemed to help them!

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