Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Rebuilding Grandpa's Water Wheel, CO (Friday, July 5th, 2019)

Twelve years ago, Steve's dad built a beautiful water wheel to put down on Columbine Creek, below the cabin.  Unfortunately, over time it has deteriorated, and was in need of some repairs, so we decided that would be a great project to work on this week while we are all here.

Here's a preview of our final work.

We started by tearing out the wheel so we could use the old bass for a pattern.  They would build the new base.

And I would give the wheel a fresh coat of paint.

When it was all restored, we carried it back down to Columbine creek for the re-installation.

The matching bridge that grandpa also built years ago.

While we were out in the meadow installing the water wheel, we noticed these strange cocoons wrapped in aspen leaves.

We looked it up, and it's called a leaf roller.  They are pretty invasive, especially in fruit trees.  Hopefully they  won't take over our aspen grove.

Grandmas columbine garden, by Columbine Creek.

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