Wednesday, July 31, 2019

NYC to Dublin, IR (Sunday, July 21st, 2019)

We all enjoyed the sights of the city on our way to breakfast, which was at Community Food and Juice, a great little place within walking distance of our nephew's apartment.

Riverside Church.

Then we all enjoyed a guided tour of Columbia University.

And we even got a science lesson, which was definitely the highlight of the day.   

As we made our way back to the apartment, we found ourselves hiding from the sun every opportunity we got.  Steve's parents did great, especially in the record breaking heat!

We made our way to the Newark airport for our flight to Dublin.

Our first glimpse of Dublin.

Our super friendly helper in the Dublin Airport.  He made Steve's parents day, with his gaelic accent and his happy demeanor.

All in all, it was a super easy and uneventful flight to Dublin, Ireland.  Now time to explore the city and try to keep our selves awake for the day.

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