Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico (Saturday, March 9th, 2019)

Most of our cruise group didn't come in until last night, so today we are meeting up with Steve's cousin Stacey and her husband Dan for the first time, and heading out to Old San Juan for the day.  Stacey and Dan have never seen the forts, so we are heading there first.

After enjoying Fort San Cristibol, we decided to wander through town and find some nice refreshment.  The perfect little place was right in Old Town, with hand made mojitos!

Then lunch at El Jibrito for some authentic Puerto Rican food.

After regaining our strength at lunch, we ventured out to the other fort, El Morro.

It was a great day exploring Old San Juan, but we had to get back to our hotels and prepare for the evening.  We had a nice dinner at Ropa Viejo and then enjoyed drinks and conversation on Dave and Nancy's rooftop terrace before calling it a night.  Tomorrow we will board our ship and enjoy a relaxing day at sea before our first stop in St. Lucia.  

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