Tuesday, March 26, 2019

St John, Antigua (Thursday, March 14th,2019)

The cruise ship port in Antigua is another nice port, where you could easily walk into the town of St. Johns if you wanted.  We opted for another excursion at this port, this time it was a hop-on, hop-off water taxi that would provide a ride to two different beaches for the day.   

As we headed out on the catamaran, we passed the Old Fort James.

This huge ship was anchored off shore.  It looked like a big military ship, but we later found out that it was a privately owned yacht.

 We all decided that we could handle living here, but unfortunately, it wasn't for sale.

The first stop for our water taxi was this beautiful beach.  We could either stay here all day, or head back part way through the day to the other beach.  

We got ourselves some front row chairs and umbrellas and made ourselves comfortable.

The local beer of Antigua.

Dan and Stacey enjoying champagne that they brought along.

The "Lady D" was supposed to be back to pick us up at 2:00 for our 4:30 end of boarding time, but as we waited for her return, we started getting a little worried, and then a little more worried, because time was ticking away, and it still hadn't returned.  We started trying to call the ship to see if they knew anything about the late return of our excursion boat, but couldn't get through.  Finally at 3:30, the "Lady D" showed up to pick us up for our return to the ship.  We aren't sure what happened, but were pretty sure they had some sort of issue that caused them to be so late.  We made it back to our ship in time to sail away, so it ended up not being a problem.

Someone must have complained about our excursion, because Norweign ended up giving us a partial credit on our account.  Either way, we had a great day on our little beach, and re-boarded the ship in time to continue on to our next  port.  All in all, it was a great day!

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