Thursday, November 15, 2018

Soldier's Pass, Sedona, AZ (Saturday, November 10th, 2018)

Last night we drove from Havasu to Sedona with John, Sheila, Keith and Anita for a couple of days of exploring in Sedona, AZ. 

Keith was able to get passes for four cars on the Soldier Pass Trail.  It is such a popular trail that they had to close it to OHV's a few years ago, and now you can only get in by a lottery.  Way to go Keith!

Many of the rides in Sedona head out of town on paved roads, and once you get to the trails they are pretty short (only a few hours), but boy are they spectacular!

When we got to the trail head for Soldier's Pass, there was a locked gate.  Keith had the code, which was only good for today.  But even with the code and a set of instructions, they still had a bit of a struggle getting the gate open. 😉

But once we were in, the ride was worth it.  The trails were easy riding, and the views were great in all directions.

Our first stop was the Seven Sacred Pools.  These are natural rock formations that form seven pools leading down a rock like a river.  This was a sacred place for the local Indians, and I can see why.  It would be really spectacular if the pools were flowing.

After visiting the pools we drove to the end of the road where we got out and hiked to some partial arches.

This cactus is shaped like a peace sign, so someone put rocks around it to finish it.  Very clever!

Then back in the RZR's to make our way back out.

Our final stop on the Soldier's Pass Trail was the largest sinkhole in Sedona.

We still have two more rides today, so stay tuned for some more beautiful sights and adventures!

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