Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Morning Hike and Sinagua Ruins, Sedona, AZ (Sunday, November 11th, 2018)

Another beautiful day in Sedona, what can I say?  

Today will filled with some easy rides, some hard rides, many more beautiful views and some Indian Ruins.

Our first stop was a little trail that leads to an arch (If you can find it).  John and Sheila stayed back because their son was asleep in the RZR.  The rest of us headed out on a morning hike.  As we started out, the sun had not yet risen in the canyon, so it was chilly.

We never did find the arch, but as we headed back out of the canyon, the sun rose to warm our noses.  Some mistletoe in the early light of morning.

When we finished our hike, we met back up with John and Sheila and headed to our next destination.

This is what we saw as we made our way back out.  Sedona is very crowded with locals and tourists alike, on every trail and every path.  We have really enjoyed visiting, but I don't think I could ever live here.  There is one highway through town, and it is a constant traffic jam.

Now off to the Honanki Sinagua Ruins...

Honanki Heritage Site is in the Coconino National Forest, so as we approached the ranger we pulled out our wallets to pay our fees, then the ranger reminded us that Monday is Veterans Day, so the ruins are free today.  Wow, that was a nice surprise!

Dogs aren't allowed in the ruins, but the ranger said that if we carried them the whole time they could come in, so Steve and Keith were the official carriers.

These ruins are from 1050 - 1350 AD, and housed about 800 people.

The Discovery Trail to the ruins.

Then back to Sedona through Red Rocks Park to make our way back home.

Wow!  That's all I can say about Sedona.  What a beautiful place!  I can certainly see why it is so crowded!  Thanks so much to Keith and Anita for letting us tag along, and to John and Sheila for thinking of us.  What an incredible weekend adventure!

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