Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Races with the Kids (Saturday, November 24th, 2018)

The Blue Water Casino is holding circle track boat races this weekend, so we decided to take advantage of another gorgeous day!  They had about 50 different classes of boats racing today.

When we left the boat races, we met our friends Alan and Linda at Fox's Floating Dock Bar for some lunch, but the wait for food was too long, so we just enjoyed a quick drink with them and then continued on to catch our next races of the day.

We have never see Fox's this crowded before!

Our final stop of the day was the circle track car races at Sara Park.

We had planned on going out to dinner after all of the day's races, but when all was said and done, we were all too tired, so we enjoyed a nice quiet dinner at home before calling it a day. 

We feel like we have done so much since the kids arrived three days ago, but the time is flying by much too quickly!  

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