Thursday, November 15, 2018

Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona, AZ (Saturday, November 10th, 2018)

When we finished our Soldier's Pass ride, we drove back through town to Schnebly Hill Road.  As we drove along on these rides, Keith was on his radio giving us trivia facts about the area, which I just loved!  Schnebly was the founder of the city of Sedona.  He submitted several names for his city, but they were rejected because they were too long.  Eventually, he submitted the name Sedona, after his wife Sedona Schnebly, and that name was accepted.  That would be pretty crazy to have a city named after you.  And especially one this beautiful.  

Here is our Schnebly Hill Road Ride:


We stopped at one of the overlooks, and of course John had to have the best parking spot.

The overlook wasn't bad either!


Boys will be boys.

We stopped at the top of Schnebly Hill Road at an old reservoir for lunch.  Keith was the first one out on the old dam.  It was kind of crazy, it was dry on both sides of the dam, but the was a reservoir further back, now held back by the road instead.

Then after lunch, a little puddle time.

And then time to change into warmer clothes.  It was getting chilly.

Then a beautiful ride back down.

The road down below us.


We found this cute painted rock from Las Vegas, NV.  They hid it here for us to find, and asked us to re-hide it somewhere else, so John and Sheila are going to take it to Alaska with them! From Sedona to Alaska, that's a pretty big move, we hope it likes its new home.

This Toyota Camry was in a really bad spot.  the wife was outside the car with a very "not happy" look on her face.  Hopefully they can make it back down without too much damage!

Schnebly Hill Road is a great, easy ride with views that were breathtaking!

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