Saturday, October 14, 2017

Jet Ski Freestyle Finals (Sunday, October 8th, 2017)

We always enjoy going out to the island to watch the World Jet Ski World Championships when they come to Lake Havasu each year.  This year was no exception, except that we have been so busy that we really didn't have a lot of time.  So we decided to just watch the freestyle.  It is by far the most fun to watch.

Here is a sampling of what we saw.  These men are amazing!


Toward the end of the competition, the second place competitors jet ski broke down and would have been out of the competition, but one of the other competitors that had already performed, pushed his jet ski out for the 2nd place competitor to use.  It was an amazing gesture.

The second place rider did his entire performance on a jet ski that he knew nothing about.  It was crazy!  And he put on quite a show.

It was a great day at the jet ski finals.  Not only did we see some amazing athletes perform, but we saw an amazing man give up his jet ski to his rival that he knew would beat him.  Wow!

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