Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Fall Boating and Goodbye to an Old Friend (Sunday, October 22, 2017)

Today's post was supposed to be about fall boating in Havasu, to give you an idea of what our October weather has been like.  So I will share that with you.... or at least part of it.

After a morning of working around the house, unloading the dishwasher and doing laundry, we were excited to get a call from our friends Tim and Cheryl asking if we wanted to go boating.  We decided it would be fun to just pick up some pizzas and have lunch out on the lake.

As you can see, we are all in swimsuits, and feeling very comfortable!  Cheryl and I both brought a jacket along thinking that it might get chilly when we were driving, but neither of us ever needed to pull them out.

After lunch as we were hanging out, a water plane flew over us very low, and then landed near the opposite shore.  It sat there for awhile and then took off again.  We always enjoy seeing unusual things like that.

Then we made our way into the channel to meet up with some other friends.  Cheryl likes this picture because she thinks Steve and I look naked.  Maybe we are! 😲

As I started to take my next picture of our friends in the channel, I realized that my camera lens was stuck.  It wouldn't go out, and it wouldn't close either.  It was just stuck.  So I put the camera back in my purse and decided that it would have to wait until we got home.

Steve pulled up a Youtube video on how to fix a stuck lens on this particular camera, and there was a six step process, starting with checking the battery, then trying to clean out the lens using canned air.  Steve patiently went through all of the steps until he got to Step five.  This is where the guy on the Youtube video said "You will only want to try this step if your camera is worth less than it would cost to get it fixed professionally".  Well, that didn't sound so good, but the fact is that our camera was worth FAR less than it would cost to get it fixed professionally. 

So Steve continued.  Step five was opening up the camera and tapping on the lens to try and break it loose.  So Steve did that, but it still didn't work, so he decided to go on to step six.  I'm really not sure what the guy in the Youtube video said about step six, but the next thing I heard was Steve saying "I don't think we're going to be putting this back together.  So, I looked over and this is what I saw....

I think that at this point we should just agree that the camera has served us well.  I really don't know how long I have had that camera, but I would guess more than 15 years.  It is now time to say goodbye to our old friend.  Hopefully I can find another one quickly so I don't leave you all in too much suspense about what we are up to.

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