Saturday, October 14, 2017

Devastation in California (Monday, October 9th, 2017)

There have been so many devastating natural disasters in the last few months; hurricanes along the coasts of the US, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, earthquakes in Mexico, and now fires are burning out of control in the wine country of California.  

Our sister-in-law's parents live in Santa Rosa, California and at 2:00 this morning, the police came through their neighborhood with blow horns, warning everyone to evacuate immediately!  Her parents didn't hear the warning, but luckily their neighbors knocked on their door to make sure they were awake.  

They left with the clothes on their backs, and by day break, their house was gone.  Their entire neighborhood, along with many other neighborhoods were completely wiped out. 

We are still in complete disbelief that fires like this can tear through an entire city and so sad for everyone that has lost so much.  We are also so thankful that our sister-in-law's parents made it out and are safe.  Our prayers go out to our sister-in-laws family, and to everyone who has been impacted by these fires.

As of Saturday, October 14th, the fires are still burning out of control.  We hope the winds subside soon so the firefighters can get the flames under control.

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