Friday, August 19, 2016

Moving Day in a College Town (Saturday, July 30th, 2016)

It's that time of year again in the college towns all around the country.  All of the kids are moving out, and moving in, and the towns are in chaos.  Our youngest daughter's boyfriend is one of the lucky one's that got caught up in this shuffle. He has to move out of his current house, and into a new house, but of course, it's just not that simple.  

He has to be out of his current house by noon on July 31st, and can't move into his new house until noon on August 1st.  So what is a poor guy to do in between?

His timing is impeccable!  We still have the trailer in Colorado from helping our oldest daughter and her husband move into their new home, so we told him that we would bring it up and help out.

He lives in a house with three other guys, so there was a lot of stuff that had to be taken care of, but he had spent the last week getting rid of old stuff, packing and organizing all of his stuff, so it was ready to go.  We pulled the trailer up to the house at about 10:00, and the move began.  

All of the guys in the house were great about helping each other with their stuff, so Steve and I were able to just stay in the trailer, and pack the items in an organized manner as they were carried out. By the time lunch rolled around, we had the trailer pretty much loaded.  

We all headed to Cosmos Pizza for lunch, and enjoyed the cold water, air conditioning, and great pizza.  After lunch we headed back to the house to finish up a few last minute things before leaving the kids to have a nice night on their own.

It was a busy day, but so glad we could help.  In two days, we'll move him into his new place with the help of his family and it will be the start to another school year.  But first, we all have to have a little fun!


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