Saturday, August 20, 2016

LHC Just Hanging in the Channel (Sunday, August 14th, 2016)

This morning we got up and called our friend Linda to see if she wanted to join us for a day on the Channel.  Saturdays in the summer can be pretty crazy on the channel, but by Sunday things are calming down.  So our friend Linda came over about 10:00. We launched the boat and headed to the Bridgewater Channel for day day of relaxation.

Linda and I just floating
The kids found some old diving masks that we had stowed away somewhere on the boat, so they decided to see if they could find any treasures in the Channel.  

After awhile, our friends Tim and Cheryl and their family joined us, and then eventually Brian and Kathy came down as well.  We had a great relaxing day of just doing nothing.

Friends and families all together on the lake, it just doesn't get any better than this!  

And after a great day of boating (or should I say floating), some yummy grilled steaks and asparagus back at the house.

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