Saturday, August 20, 2016

Lake Havasu - Three Dunes (Thursday, August 11th, 2016)

Our first day of boating since our youngest and her boyfriend got here, so of course the first thing we had to do was go through the London Bridge.  

Approaching the bridge

Cruising through the channel

Heading to open water in Thompson Bay

We see military helicopters all the time at Lake Havasu.  

We finally found a great spot at a place called Three Dunes, where we decided to spend our day. Three Dunes is about half way down the lake on the Arizona side. It is just a little north of Cattail Cove.

The kids decided to swim to this little rock in the cove

If you look closely, you can see them on the little rock, way over there
And then it was time for some stunts

What a great day, just having fun and chilling at the lake.

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