Saturday, August 20, 2016

Las Vegas Downtown Container Park (Wednesday, August 10th 2016)

We've been in Lake Havasu for about a week now, and have enjoyed time catching up with friends, but now, our youngest daughter and her boy friend are coming down to spend time with us. Our daughter has finished her summer school classes, her boyfriend has finished working for the week, and now they finally get their much needed summer vacation.  They are flying from Denver to Las Vegas so we will make a trip and pick them up.

When we headed to Las Vegas to Pick up the kids, we went early to spend some time there.  Steve did some research ahead of time, and found that near the downtown Fremont Street area, there is an area called the Downtown Container Park. 

 It is a park and mall made strictly out of cargo containers. In front of the park stands a praying mantis that comes to life at sundown. We first saw it during the day, and were amazed by it.

When we got past the praying mantis, we entered the container park. It is a fee free area with two parks and lots of shops and restaurants to explore, and it is all made from cargo containers.

Looking down at the praying mantis from the second floor

We visited the reptile store where we met this cute little guy!

This is a monitor lizard, like we saw in Thailand, but this one isn't as big as an alligator

After shopping around the Downtown Container Park for awhile, we headed down to Fremont Street to take a look around.

The first thing we saw was the heart attack grill, so we went in for a closer look.

We had to weigh in to see if we would be able to eat for free.
Guess I won't be eating free...probably for the best

After we got a few laughs at the Heart Attack Grill, we made our way down Fremont Street.

They have a zip line that runs the entire length of Fremont Street.  You can sit, like a normal zip line, or head first like you are flying.

People coming out of the zip line gates

There are a lot of bars on Fremont Street that sell the giant daiquiris.

Near the top you can see some people going head first on the zip lines.

All over Las Vegas there a actors and impersonators.  Fremont Street is no exception.

An Elvis impersonator

When we finished at Fremont Street, we looked up the kids flight, and realized that it had been delayed for about an hour.  So instead of heading to the airport, we went back to the Downtown Container Park, where there were lots of great places to sit and relax.  We sat on a comfortable couch overlooking this park and watched the local families as they enjoyed some outdoor time with the fans and misters to keep them cool.

When we left the Container Park, it was sundown, and the praying mantis was coming to life.

It shoots fire from it's antennas

When the kids flight finally came in, we picked them up and headed straight for In-N-Out Burger.  The first of three In-N-Out's we would visit during their stay.

We don't have In-n-Out in Colorado, so this is always a treat!

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