Sunday, July 31, 2016

Blake Shelton - A Benefit of Retirement (Thursday, July 28th, 2016)

Yesterday afternoon, Blake Shelton looked out his tour bus window and took a picture, and tweeted it to all of his fans.  He said that he was on his way to an undisclosed location to do a surprise concert. The picture he tweeted was a hint about where he was going.

This morning at about 9:45, Blake Shelton tweeted that his surprise concert would be at the Grizzly Rose in Denver, Colorado.  Our wonderful next door neighbor, Jean, knows that we are huge country music and Blake Shelton fans, so she texted us to make sure that we knew about it.  

We had our day planned full of activities, so of course, at first we thought we can't do that, we don't have time. But then as the thought about it a little more, we thought, why not! Let's make this happen!  
We had one commitment that we couldn't break.  Our sister-in-law had hip replacement surgery yesterday, and we told Steve's brother that we would bring over a nice healthy dinner for them, so we dropped everything, and started making the quinoa mango salad we had promised them.  We packed the car, delivered the meal, and by 11:00 am, we were on our way to the surprise, free, Blake Shelton concert at the Grizzly Rose.

All concerts at the Grizzly Rose are general admission, so if you want a good spot, you have to get there early.  And we wanted a good spot!  We got to the venue at about 12 noon, and people had already started lining up.  So we jumped in line for our six hour wait until the doors would open for the concert.

The front of the line is on the right hand side of the picture, and we were right behind the lady with the blue umbrella on the right side of the picture.  Not bad!

The line looking through the parking lot, back toward the building
Steve in line with our classic "CU Concert Line" umbrella
The tour buses hiding on the side of the building 
I walked through the parking lot to see how long the line was, and after leaving the lot, I still couldn't see the end of the line

We waited in line with the sweetest girl, named Asia.  She's the same age as our oldest daughter, and we had such a great time with her.  One of the Staff at the Grizzly Rose got this picture of us waiting for the concert and posted it to facebook, so I borrowed it! Thanks Grizzly Rose for making this possible!

It was a warm six hour wait, but luckily we had come prepared with food, water, beer (which we weren't allowed to drink) and sunscreen.  They would escort desperate people into the bathrooms if necessary, but basically there weren't any restrooms or anything.

When they opened the doors at 6:00, we followed the line toward the entrance, and just as we got to the entrance, they opened a new turn-style, we jumped into it, and were inside the building.  We quickly made our way to the stage, and to our surprise, we found a spot behind a nice couple, right under Blake's mic-stand.  We were in the second row, right in the middle.  It doesn't get any better than that!

We still had another 2 1/2 hour wait until the concert actually started, and once your up by the stage, you can't leave, or your spot is quickly taken.  

While we were standing in line, there was a woman about three people behind us that was kind of mouthy to the people around her. We all just ignored her, but as we were waiting for the concert to start, we noticed that she was fairly close to us again.  We couldn't hear her from where we were, but apparently she continued her antics inside the building.  About 30 minutes before the concert started, she made a raucous again, and security came and escorted her out of the building.  Can you imagine waiting 8 hours for a concert and then getting kicked out before it even started?  

The crowd for this particular concert was pushier than crowds we have encountered at other concerts we have been to at the Grizzly Rose, but once the concert started, everyone settled down and just enjoyed an amazing concert.

The play list
The playlist was only used as a guide as Blake and the bass player, Rob Byus, would quickly huddle after each song and decide what they were playing next.  Rob used a microphone that was set-up in the area where he generally stood to relay the message to the other band members and the stage-hands through, their ear-pieces.  The stage-hands would quickly set the guitars and deliver them to Blake and others that required a guitar change.  While this was all happening Blake was talking with the crowd.  It all worked seamlessly...what professionals to be able to pull this all off!

The concert lasted about three hours, and was one of the most intimate concerts I have ever been to.  Blake has a way of connecting with people that I have never seen before.  If you are in the front few row, I swear that he sings directly to you. 

At one point during the concert, a woman who was close to the stage held up her cell phone.  Her husband was in the military and was deployed, and she was face-timing the concert to him.  Blake saw the phone, and grabbed it from the woman.  He talked to her husband and thanked him for his service, and then held him (via the cell phone) up for the crowd to see.  The entire crowd started chanting USA-USA. It was such an incredible experience!  I wish this could happen to every deployed soldier!

It was an amazing night, and worth every minute of the wait.  Even if we had paid for tickets, we would have been out there early to get a good spot, so the free tickets were just the icing on the cake.  If you ever get a chance to go to a concert at the Grizzly Rose, you have to go.  It is one of the few small places that big country artists will do concerts.

And at the end of the concert, Blake Shelton tossed a pick he had been using.  Steve caught it.  Priceless! 

We have always really liked Blake's music....we now can honestly say we like Blake the person....what an amazing we will remember for a lifetime...especially now that we have it captured in this blog!

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