Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Springtime in Colorado (Saturday, May 21st - Wednesday, May 25th, 2016)

After enjoying some coffee and doing a little yard work, we hopped in the car and drove to Fort Collins for a hike with our youngest daughter.  She thought it would be fun to hike to the "A" on the hogback just west of Fort Collins.  The "A" is very prominent from the town of Fort Collins, and at first seems a little out of place since Fort Collins is the home of the Colorado State University, Rams, but once you know a little history, it all makes sense.  

The CSU Rams were originally known as the Aggies because CSU was originally the Colorado Agriculture College.  Although CSU still has a great agricultural school, it is also very well know for it's business, engineering, arts and sciences as well.  The "A" on the hillside is still a great reminder of years past.  It first showed up on the mountain in 1923 and then in 1924, it was enlarged and painted white as a sign of school pride.  To this day, it is still painted white each year, not just as a school tradition, but also because the FAA now requires it to be seen from the air as a landmark for pilots.  In the 1980's some of the CSU students wanted to remove the "A" and replace it with an "R", but the FAA prevented it from happening.

Today, the CSU Hughes Stadium sits just below the "A" on the hillside west of town, but as you read this, a new stadium is being built right on campus in the heart of Fort Collins, which will soon leave the "A" standing alone on the hillside.

It was really hazy since there was a lot of humidity in the air, so a lot of the pictures aren't very clear, like the "A" I tried to take a picture of from the parking lot.  But the high clouds and sunshine made for the perfect hiking day.  And you just can't beat springtime in Colorado!

It's not a difficult hike, and is really pretty, but since it is still springtime in Colorado, it was also quite muddy in several places.

Our youngest daughter scaling the mud with CSU's Hughes Stadium in the background

As we make our way up the hill we enjoy some beautiful views of Fort Collins

and wild flowers

Horsetooth Reservoir on the back side of the hogback

The painted rocks of the "A" with Hughes Stadium directly below and Fort Collins in the background

Overlooking Horsetooth Reservoir to the west of us

The town of Fort Collins to the east of us

Can you see the little lizard?

It was a great hike with great people, and I was so happy to get some pictures of Hughes Stadium before it is replaced.  

When we had finished our hike, we decided to try a Thai restaurant down in town called Sri Thai.  

Tom Ka Soup (Chicken soup with coconut milk and lemon grass)

Thai curry, panang curry and pra rahm
We're quite spoiled by the really good Thai food that we can get in the Denver area, but this was definitely worth trying.  It was nice to have some good Thai food and enjoy time with our daughter before we had to head back home.

But this is not the end of my springtime in Colorado post, because although springtime in Colorado is amazingly beautiful, it can also be quite unpredictable.  Actually, all seasons in Colorado can be quite unpredictable.  So here is our next phase of spring time in Colorado, only three days later. 

Hail!!!  And lots of it!

This used to be my garden.  I've had to replant my garden for the last three years because of either snow or hail, so this year I think I'm giving up.  I'll see if it can come back on its' own.  Uggh!

A pathetic tomato

A traumatized Pepper

There's not much left of this one at all : (

And then, once again, the next morning, it is calm and beautiful in Colorado and the new babies of the season are out and about enjoying the beautiful sunshine.  And eventually, they'll be eating what's left of my garden (if it happens to come back).  But for now all is calm, and how can you not love this little face?

And that is springtime in Colorado!

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