Thursday, May 19, 2016

Happy Mother's Day (Sunday, May 8th, 2016)

This Mother's Day was one of the best I can remember.  It was the perfect day, with only one big thing missing, our son (in-law), who after almost a year is still in Georgia finishing up his training.  

We started out the day with a brunch at our house to celebrate some of the moms in our lives.  It wasn't a big elaborate brunch, just a nice easy meal, which gave us a chance to enjoy the people that were able to join us.  Our youngest daughter wasn't able to come this morning because next week is finals week at CSU, and she is spending the day studying. She couldn't afford 3 hours on the road on such a critical day.

Once everyone had left and we took a few minutes to clean up, we headed to our favorite Thai restaurant to pick up a take out order of our favorite Thai dishes, Tom Ka soup and some curries.  We packed it into the car, and headed to Fort Collins.  Our youngest daughter said that although she couldn't make the drive down to Denver, she could certainly take a short break on Mother's Day, and we had the perfect plan.  

The weather has been gloomy since we returned to Colorado, but today seemed a bit warmer, so we picked our daughter up and headed to the park near her house.  

A yummy little Thai picnic in the park!

Our youngest daughter's boyfriend is also studying hard for finals, so he didn't go home for mother's day either.  So after lunch, we swung by to pick him up and we all went out for some frozen yogurt for dessert.  If only our son (in-law) could have joined us, it would have been the perfect day.  But this is close to perfect, and I'll take it!

When we finished our yogurt, we dropped our youngest daughter's boyfriend off at his house, and took our daughter back to her apartment.  We had some gluten free food for her, so we ran it up to her apartment, and as we were getting in the car, she yelled down to us that we had forgotten our cooler.  So I headed up to retrieve it, but they called me back.  They had a better plan.

These silly girls always make me laugh!  That's why I love them so much!

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