Saturday, May 7, 2016

LHC Lonesome Quail (April 18th, 2016)

For the last few days, a quail has been sitting on the on the wire or wall by our house, calling out, hour after hour. We've decided that he must be lonesome, but no matter how much he calls out, no other quail come.  It has started getting funny, and we have enjoyed watching him day after day.

He spends hours just walking around and calling out, but still no quail come.

So today, after calling out for several hours, he flew down and made friends with a dove that was sitting on the wall. The two of them interacted for several minutes together, before they eventually parted ways.  Very, very funny to watch these two!

He seems happier now, and doesn't seem to be calling out as much as he was before.  Maybe he thinks he's a dove.  We don't really know, but we're happy he finally found a friend.  

We spent the rest of our lazy day with friends, and ended it with a beautiful lighting storm on our front patio as we all sat around oohing and aahing.  What at treat!

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