Friday, May 6, 2016

LHC Indian Food Disappointment (Wednesday, April 13th, 2016)

Steve and I often say that we need an Indian food restaurant in Lake Havasu City.  At home we eat Indian food a lot and really enjoy it.  We especially love that it's very healthy and almost all gluten free, so we can eat it with our youngest daughter without worry.  

As we were looking through the local adds today, we noticed that there is a new Indian restaurant in town.  We got so excited that we decided to try it for dinner tonight.  We didn't even have a coupon or discount!

From the outside, it was nothing fancy, which is just fine with us. As long as it's clean, we aren't that particular about the atmosphere. And when we walked in, it was only partially filled with tables, again, not a big deal.  So we asked the waiter how long they had been there, and he said they are new to town and they have only been open three weeks.  By the looks of the partially filled dining room, that made total sense.  We were excited to give it a try!

The waiter asked us what we wanted to drink, and we both asked for water.  He brought the water as we opened our menus, and unfortunately, it was bottled water from the grocery store, which they charged us .99 each for.  Tap water is perfectly good to drink in the U.S., so unless I am looking for something special, I'm not thrilled about paying a dollar for my water.

Then we dove into the menu, and the first thing that jumped out at us were the prices.  All of the entrees with meat were in the twenty plus dollar range, and the vegetarian entrees were $15 and over. That is not what we are used to paying for Indian food.  But I looked at Steve and said...maybe it's served family style and the portions are really large.  So we went ahead and ordered a saag paneer (which is seasoned spinach with cheese) and chicken korma (which is chicken in a tomato cream sauce). 

Soon they brought us the typical Indian appetizer, which is usually complimentary with your meal (and it was here as well).  It is a basket of Indian crackers and a sauce to dip them in.  At our usual Indian restaurant in Colorado, the crackers come with four dipping sauces, here, they came with just one, which I think was a blend of cilantro, mint and yogurt.  It was very good.

As usual we started eating before we thought to take a picture.  There were more crackers than this.

When our entrees came, they looked very good, but were in the usual individual sized serving bowls.  We were shocked.  Food prices in Denver are usually higher than in Lake Havasu City, but this restaurant was charging two to three times more than we would pay in Denver, and the atmosphere in the Denver restaurants is much, much nicer! 

Again, we started eating before we thought to take the picture.
We love to support local, family owned restaurants, but unfortunately for this one, we will not be back.  The food was fine, although not as good as we are used to, the atmosphere definitely was not what it should have been for what they were charging and the prices were unbelievably high.  

We're so sad!  We really hoped that this would be a new addition to our dinner rotation, but it certainly won't be.

We came back into town in May 2016, just over a month after we first visited this restaurant.  They had actually put some decent coupons in the paper and we wondered if maybe they had lowered their prices to something acceptable in this town.   So we drove by and thought we might pick up a take-out menu.  Unfortunately, that wasn't in the cards.  It appears that the restaurant suffered a horrible mishap while we were gone.  Hopefully no one was hurt in this fire.

We can only imagine how devastated this family must have been. They were so proud of their restaurant and were really trying to make a start here in Lake Havasu City.  We wish them all the best.

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