Saturday, April 4, 2020

Nature Walk (Wednesday, April 1st, 2020)

Today's "creative"  activities were push-ups, sit-ups, and an adventure walk in the empty lots across from Steve's brother's house.  I know, sounds pretty boring, but it's actually a great way to get out, enjoy some sunshine, and see nature at it's finest, all while staying away from everyone!  And it's actually a really large lot!

When we got out in the middle of the lot, it was so peaceful.  All we could hear was the birds singing!  It was wonderful! They seemed so happy, but they were probably warning all of their friends that we were invading!

These are some of my favorite desert flowers. 

And to give you some perspective of their size...

But our biggest find of the day was this rather large humming bird.  It was about the size of a sparrow.  Steve's dad (a biologist) thinks that it is a blue-throated humming bird.  He says they are very rare in Arizona, so we were especially excited to get some pictures of him!

And last, but not least, we enjoyed seeing this super resilient palo verde tree.  It just won't give up!

Oh yeah, we also did more motor home maintenance.  We finished waxing it YAY!, and Steve started on wheel shining.  All in all, a great day!

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