Tuesday, April 28, 2020

It's All Quite Puzzling (Tuesday, April 28th, 2020)

As "we the quarantined", sit back and watch the lawmakers, doctors and scientists try to figure out this Coronavirus, it becomes apparent that it's all quite puzzling.  There is a huge need to allow people to return to work, and yet how do we do that when corona virus cases haven't started tapering off yet?  

Steve and I feel very fortunate that boredom is the greatest of our worries.  We don't have to worry about how we are going to feed our family without a job, or the impact of closed schools on our children, or losing a business that we own because it's been closed for a month and a half and rent is due again.  So far all of our family members are still virus free and employed, and our one friend that got the virus is out of the hospital and working toward a slow recovery.  

Everything we own is clean and waxed, and when we start feeling bored or frustrated we find that exercise is our greatest outlet.  With the 100 degree days setting in here in Arizona, our days of long walks and hikes have come to an end.  So now we have learned to do our own workouts without the help of our gym, and we're really getting creative and learning to love it.  Steve rides his stationary bike in our "borrowed" garage, and I do online step and weight lifting classes.  In fact, when life gets back to normal, we're thinking that we might still do more workouts at home. We are also wondering what other long-term changes might be appropriate given the virus isn't going anywhere soon!

We're looking forward to the day we can move into our new house, which will give us more projects to work on than we'll be able to handle.  But until then, we're spending quiet days doing everything we can think of.  I have now finished my second puzzle of these puzzling times.

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