Sunday, April 19, 2020

Corona Virus, How Does This End? (Sunday, April 19th, 2020)

Steve and I have quit watching much news, it's "Breaking News" every night, with the number of deaths, and new cases of the Corona Virus nation wide still soaring.  Steve and I, along with most of America, have now been at home for 38 days, with trips out only for food one time and isolated fresh air.  The lines of cars to pick up food from food banks are miles long in some cities, because so many "working" people can't work because of the stay-at-home orders.  

President Trump keeps talking about "re-opening" the country, but doctors keep warning that if we don't re-open it right, the virus will multiply exponentially again.

So the question becomes...How does this end?  

Schools nationwide are closed until the end of the school year, with kids learning solely on-line.  There are no college or professional sports to watch.  Anyone who can work from home is doing that, including all news broadcasters, late night shows, and everyone with "techie" jobs.

Will we ever go back to brick and mortar?   

They are talking about reopening restaurants with all staff wearing masks, and all tables at least 6 feet apart, to try to get restaurants and their staff back to work, but is that a relaxing, enjoyable meal?  Will people start going out to eat again as recreation, as we always have? Maybe we will do it to support our favorite restaurants and fellow Americans even if it isn't as fun as it once was.

There are also new insights emerging that the Corona Virus may be a virus of the blood rather than the respiratory system, making malaria like drugs more promising as a possible cure.  If that's the case, can they come up with an anti-Corona Virus drug?

It's mind boggling to try and wrap our heads around it all.  

I along with the rest of the world can't wait for all of the stay-at-home orders to be lifted so we can get back to normal.  But what will normal be?

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