Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Havasu is the New Seattle (Wednesday, March 18th, 2020)

I've been telling Steve all winter that Lake Havasu is the new Seattle.  It has been an incredibly wet winter here, and definitely cooler than usual.  Last week we had four days of rain in a row (unheard of), while we were trying to move out of our house, and this week, we are back to rain again.  And on the days that it hasn't rained, still not much sun.  But what I want to know is what will Seattle become, when we become Seattle?  

I took this picture while we were enjoying a little outing this morning, to go to our storage shed to pick up a few packed items that we were running short on.  We hadn't planned on the fact that we would be limiting our trips to the grocery store as much as we are, and we didn't plan ahead.

And then, the highlight of our day, reuben sandwiches for lunch!!  The best part of St. Patrick's day to me is the left overs!  Oh so yummy!

The rain has not let up all day.  We took a nice walk around the neighborhood between thunderstorms this afternoon, and enjoyed a wonderful vegetable curry for dinner.  Other than that, it was cross stitching, television and YouTube for us as we were stuck inside the motor home today.  All in all a decent day, but we're ready for all this rain to move on for good.

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