Saturday, March 21, 2020

All Alone in a Motor Home (Friday, March 20th, 2020)

The sale of our home in Lake Havasu closed about a week ago. It's kind of a weird feeling, living in our motor home, and trying to stay away from everyone, knowing that we don't have a house that we can go back to if things get crazy.  We're pretty sure that this is just the beginning of it, yet we're already seeing some signs of stir craziness from family members but everyone is doing a great job of being creative. Our kids in Washington sent us a video of their Friday morning dance party.  Just trying to get the wiggles out before sitting down to work from home.  Everyone got involved and did their version  of a home dance party!

It was cold and rainy again yesterday, but today is a new day.  The sun is out and it is warming up, so I was able to spend some time outside.  I took Steve's brother's dog Zelda on a nice walk/run in the field across the street from their house.  It was great for both of us!

Steve and his brother polished jet skis and tried out our new masserator (a portable waste pump) for emptying our holding tanks on the motor home .  Thankfully it worked great!

Since our house sold, we are now getting our mail at a P.O. Box, but that makes it a bit difficult to get our mail without going out in public. So we signed up for "informed delivery" through the US Postal Service, and now they notify us of what mail we will be getting each day.  Now we won't have to go down and check for mail unless we know that something important is there.

Yesterday, Arizona announced a state wide state of emergency, asking that restaurants increase use of take out, people keep groups to less than ten, and continue to practice social distancing.  As soon as a county has a confirmed case of the virus, all restaurants must provide take-out only, and bars, theaters and gyms will be closed.  Havasu located in Mohave county, has no confirmed cases yet, so at this point we have a hodge podge of reactions.  Our gym is limiting people to 25 at a time, and you have to have an appointment to go.  Restaurants are still open and encouraging people to come.  Some meetings have been cancelled, but there is still a concert scheduled in Bull Head City on March 28th.  Restaurants seem to be getting  quieter, but bar parking lots are still full at night.  

California announced a shelter in place for the entire state, which means that you can leave your home only for groceries, essential employees and emergencies.  I think there are now 4 states that have taken this precaution.

We will just continue to hunker down in the motor home and avoid contact with anyone.  It sure is nice to have a phone in times like these.  Face time does a pretty good job of replacing face to face contact.  Steve's brother and our sister-in-law are leaving us in the morning to head back to Colorado, so now we will be by ourselves again.  It's been so much fun hanging out with them, enjoying our evening sun-downers and dinners. We will miss it.  Back to phone contact only.

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