Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Corona Virus, Let's do Our Part (Saturday, March 14th, 2020)

2020 is the year of the Corona Virus.  It started in Wuhan, China on December 29th, 2019, and within 90 days has spread world wide.  Of course, the news hypes it up and maybe even blows it out of proportion, but there is the other side of it as well, and that is that any virus that is capable of spreading that quickly and has a 1% - 3% death rate needs to be taken seriously.

Throughout the United States, they have started taking some pretty drastic measures, closing public spaces and canceling events.  Disney Land has closed it's doors, along with major league sports, college sporting events (yes, even March Madness), theaters, schools, universities and libraries.  Many companies are also asking their employees to work from home if possible.

We are also starting to see the results of public panic, in the stock market and stores, like stores having to close their doors because their shelves are empty. 

But the thing we are not seeing yet in our little town is people taking reasonable precautions.  We live in a tourist town, so people come and go from all parts of the world on a regular basis, and yet all of the restaurants and bars in town are still packed.  It isn't that hard to just stay away from crowded places for a few weeks to let this thing die down, but so far, we just aren't seeing it.

Our nephew who is getting his PhD from a university that is now closed, is calling it a social experiment to see how much we can do remotely or on the internet, and what the impacts will be, and if we do things remotely, and it stops the virus from spreading, will we then think we over reacted?  I really love the way he's thinking.  

Being cautious doesn't mean you have to be cooped up.  Get out and enjoy some sunshine, play a game of golf, or take a hike, just don't hang out in large masses of people.  It's pretty simple, if we all do our part, we can stop the virus from spreading any further and be back to our normal activities in no time.

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