Friday, March 27, 2020

Corona Virus Pandemic Update (Friday, March 27th, 2020)

For the last two weeks, Steve and I have been doing a voluntary quarantine in our motor home.  We're getting good at hiking and walks, but we still need more activity, so we have now added morning YouTube yoga to our days.  It is a great way to get up and get moving, and it makes us feel so much better.  We always reward ourselves with lots of morning coffee when we are finished!

The corona virus finally hit our little town, with our first confirmed case, so they are now becoming a bit more strict on what we can and can't do, but we're still not in a stay at home mandate like a lot of states and cities are.  Either way, Steve and I will continue to do exactly what we've been doing, which is to just stay away from everyone, for our good and theirs.  

Lake Havasu is behind the curve on the Corona Virus.  Large cities are so far ahead of us and are showing us what is still to come.  We certainly don't need to panic, but we definitely do need to pay attention.

Some of the things that are happening around the U.S. and world are really interesting, and unprecedented of in our lifetimes.  

The U.S. has now passed all other countries in it's number of cases.  We are now at 85,000.

Two days ago, on Wednesday, March 25th, there were 64,000 cases in the U.S. and 900 people had died from the virus.

- Louisiana now has 10x more cases than 1 week ago, they believe due to Mardi Gras traffic.

- A 2 trillion $ relief package has just been passed by congress.

- The department of defense has ordered no domestic travel for active duty and their families until mid May. 

- For high school, college and university students, proms and graduations have been canceled.  Some of these students will be able to walk at a later date, but still it's not the way they wanted all of their hard work to end.

- Couples who planned their weddings for this spring are having to cancel, but rather than wasting all of the money they have put toward their weddings, many of them are doing drive by weddings as a way to share the day with their families and friends, but not break the 6 foot social distancing rule.

- The 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics have now been postponed until 2021.

- The tax filing deadline has been postponed until July 15, 2020.

- New York, Washington and California were the first states to enact stay at home mandates, with many other states now following in their footsteps.

- Shortages of necessary hospital equipment such as gloves, masks, gowns, and ventilators are making the effects virus so much more critical.

- Most of our youngest daughter's clients are in Europe, so she is getting daily reports from them.  The virus is incredibly bad there.  And if you think about it, Europeans don't have outdoor space like we do.  The ones that are lucky enough to still be healthy are stuck completely inside.

I will continue to document some of the effects of this virus as they unfold.  We're starting to get better statistics on the news, showing both the recovery and death rates around the world.  The death rate seems to be staying at about 1.3% world wide, but what makes it so bad is how contagious it is and how quickly it spreads.

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