Thursday, January 31, 2019

Missing Them Already (Monday, January 28th, 2019)

When we left Las Vegas, Steve and our daughter drove back to Washington, and I returned home.  After having our daughter here for the whole month of January, life with her became so normal, and fun, and special.  Now the house is feeling a bit empty.  I am missing our daughter for sure, but I am also missing our sweet grand kitties. 

Albert very quickly learned that humming bird feeders attract humming birds, and humming birds are really fun, especially ones that taunt you for hours on end.

and so, he lived life under the humming bird feeder, every chance he got.

and then he taught his little sister about the fun of humming bird feeders, but she was not nearly stealth enough for his kind of hunting.  The rocks hurt her feet, and she just didn't see the glory of humming birds.

So she would have to just come in the house and cuddle,and that was OK with me.

Steve and I are definitely going to have to find something fun to do now that our house is empty again.  It's just too quiet and lonely here we will have to get going with our activities again!

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