Thursday, January 10, 2019

A Run and Camera Practice (Saturday, January 5th, 2019)

We're back in Havasu, after being chased across the country by a pretty big storm.  Now we're settling back into life with our oldest daughter and her two cats in tow.  Her husband is deployed, so she will be spending the month with us, working from our house and enjoying time with us in the evenings and on weekends.  

She is training for a half marathon, which she will be doing in May, so our first order of the day was to get her run in.  We took her down to the island where it is nice and flat and dropped her off.  We parked a few miles down the path and waited for her.  She was running strong as she came by us.

When she finished her run, we headed to the cactus garden at Windsor beach to do some photography practice.  She has a new camera that she's trying to learn, so we experimented with some different shots.  I decided to play with some fun textures.  The desert is full of them.  One of my favorite things about photography is that it forces me to slow down and enjoy the views.



This is one of the most unpleasant looking cactus I have ever seen.

There are some spectacular views from the cactus garden too.

The weather was a bit cool today, so we were glad to not spend the whole day out in it.  Our cactus garden stroll was great, and we were proud of our daughter for getting her run in.

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