Monday, July 30, 2018

Starting a New Chapter (Saturday, July 28th, 2018)

We arrived in Fort Collins this morning at 9:00 to help our daughter move out of her final college apartment.  One of her room mates had already moved out, but the other three all worked together and had a great time packing, hauling and cleaning.  Steve and I were the only parents there, and we had a great time with the three girls.  We are so excited for all of them as they start the next chapters of their lives.  The girls turned in their keys and we all parted ways at 2:30, and the three of us headed back to the Denver area.

When we got back to Denver, Steve's mom had a fun celebration waiting for us.  They wanted to celebrate the college graduation of their final grand child, and a very exciting future for her. 

Then we all enjoyed a wonderful homemade dinner together.  Filet Mignon, grilled corn on the cob, beans and watermelon.  It was so nice to spend this time with some of our favorite people.

It's hard to explain how great it feels to be back here, enjoying this special time with our daughter and Steve's parents!

1 comment:

  1. Aahh. Love you Morgan. Can't wait to hear what you are up to.
