Monday, July 30, 2018

Heading to Denver, (Friday, June 27th, 2018)

Well, we are back in Lake Havasu, and it is HOT!  

We've done a little bit of golfing, but it's almost too hot for that because there is no breeze, and boating is even tough because everything you touch burns you.  So mostly we have been enjoying pool time with friends.  It's probably our favorite way to spend our time in the heat of summer.  But now that we've been home about a week, it is time to head out again.

This time we will be heading back to Colorado to help our youngest daughter move.  She graduated in May, and started her "Big Girl" job in June, but she is making a horribly long commute each day, from Fort Collins to the Tech Center in the south part of Denver.  It's 2 - 2 1/2 hours each way.  She says she doesn't mind it because it will make her appreciate a much shorter commute some day.  And we are so thankful that day is now almost here!

Our first day in town, we met our daughter for lunch at a little place called Marcos Coal Fired Pizza down near her work.  They have a beautiful patio, which of course we love, so we sat out there and enjoyed a fantastic lunch with her!

Who can resist an Arnold Palmer and a hand-tossed margarita pizza?

When we finished lunch, we headed over to her new apartment building to talk to the management, and since we ended up with a little extra time, we also toured the model so Steve and I could see it.  The models are always so perfectly furnished, so it will be really fun to see what two new college graduates can do with the same space.

After our tour, our daughter headed back to work, and we headed out to pick up a trailer that we packed for her about a year and a half ago when we moved away from Colorado.  It is full of odds and ends of furniture and housewares that we no longer needed that she was very excited to have.  They have been waiting for her at our ex brother-in-laws house all this time.

It was a beautiful day for hooking up a trailer, and our ex brother-in-law said he would be home to help us out.

He has two Anatolian Shepards, which are known as the strongest dogs in the world.  We are always very careful to make sure they remember us before we get out of the truck because they are GREAT watch dogs.  This is Steve's foot next to Turbos head.

We picked up our trailer and had a fun dinner, then headed back to Denver.  The weather got a little crazy on our way back, and washed the mud off of the truck and trailer nicely.

Our daughter will be heading back to Fort Collins tonight to have a fun final night and sleepover with her college roommates. Tomorrow brings another fun adventure!

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