Monday, July 30, 2018

Crazy Organization (Sunday, July 29th, 2018)

Oh my, we are in for some craziness today!  

When we packed the trailer of "treasures" a year and a half ago, we had no idea what our youngest daughter would be doing after graduation or what kinds of things she would actually need, so we packed everything we thought she could possibly need.  And now that we know she'll be moving into an apartment with a friend, we need to reorganize everything we packed initially and then repack the trail with only the things she will actually need/want.

We decided to divide the trailer into four piles.  One pile with the things our daughter wants now (which we combined with the things we just moved from her Ft. Collins apartment), one pile of things we will continue to hold onto for her, one pile of tools and things that would be useful at the cabin, and a pile of donations (you know, the things we can't really believe we packed into this trailer in the first place).

So we started unloading the trailer into the garage and onto the driveway.  It was like Christmas in July! We honestly couldn't even remember what we had loaded into the trailer for her since we moved out of our house in such a hurry.  And for her it was an even bigger surprise because she was away at school when we packed up the trailer, so she really had no clue what was in it.

Concerned neighbors kept wondering by, asking if Steve's parents were moving out.  So his mom had an opportunity to tell her story to everyone about her last grandchild.

When we had completely unloaded the trailer and had everything organized into the appropriate pile, we started reloading the trailer with only the things that she would be taking with her to her new apartment.  Her apartment isn't ready yet, but when it is, we will be ready for it!  

After a big day of organizing and reorganizing, we decided it was time to have a little fun, so we headed over to the golf course to hit some balls.  

Our daughter found it hard to find the time for golf while she was in school and working three jobs so she was really looking forward to a little practice again.

Then as evening rolled around, we took a few minutes for some home repairs while we enjoyed our happy-hour appetizers and beer that a friend of Morgan's had given her.  It was Kona; Big Wave Golden Ale.  It was really, I mean really good!

It's so nice to be here and spend time with everyone!

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