Friday, July 13, 2018

Los Angeles (Monday, July 9th, 2018)

We're off again, this time to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico!  But first, we will spend a quick night in LA before taking off.

We checked into our room at the Holiday Inn Express, by the Airport.

Then off to  Playa Del Rey for a much needed walk after the five hour drive from Havasu.

It is a beautiful beach with nice wide side walks for walking, running, biking or roller blading.

We received a call from our youngest daughter as we were approaching the beach, so we just took her along with us as we walked.  The one problem was that airplanes just kept flying over, making it impossible to hear her.  But in spite of the loud planes, we had a great conversation with her.

As we climbed back up the hill to our car, we snapped a few more pictures.  The views from this neighborhood are spectacular!

Then off to dinner at a Thai restaurant near our hotel.  It got good reviews on TripAdvisor, so we decided to give it a try.

They had a very nice menu, but we were really surprised when they had Khao Soi on the menu.  It is one of our favorite dishes, and it isn't available in most Thai Restaurants.

We ordered the Khoa Soi and panang curry, and they were amazing!

The Khoa Soi comes with some hot sauce and some pickled vegetables that you mix into the noodle soup before eating it.

Panang Curry

This restaurant will definitely go on our list of restaurants when we are visiting LA.  It was really good!

When we left dinner, we decided to try and make it to Redondo Beach in time for the sunset.  And we made it!  And with most sunsets, it just kept getting better!


 While we were watching the sunset, we kept hearing seals barking out by the rocks.  If you look closely, you can see them resting on this dock.

Once the beautiful sunset faded, we made way over to the Redonda Beach harbor and pier.  It is such a fun lively place at night.

We were so glad we had time to explored the city and beaches a bit before heading out for Puerta Vallarta.

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