Saturday, March 31, 2018

Winter Gardening Pays Off (Saturday, March 31st, 2018)

We have enjoyed our garden throughout the winter, harvesting tomatoes, chives and jalapenos as they ripened, but as the weather is heating up, the garden is really taking off!  

If I counted right, this little jalapeno plant has 29 peppers on it!

The tomatoes are going crazy too!  We have about 3 ripening each day right now. They are really tasty!

It's so much fun to see a garden do so well in the desert!  

Mom and Dad are in Town (Tuesday, March 27th - Friday, March 30st)

My parents arrived at about 1:00 Tuesday afternoon, so we got them settled in, and then it was time for RZR rides.  It was windy today, so all of the dust would blow away nicely, making it perfect for a few short rides. 

Steve took my dad out first and enjoyed some sights above Havasu.

Then it was my mom's turn.  Steve took it easy on her and gave her a ride that he hoped she would enjoy.

When the RZR riding was over, we started getting text messages from friends to meet up for Tuesday tacos and beer at Legendz, one of our local restaurants, so we told them that my parents were in town and that we join them, but we'd do our own table so it wouldn't get too crowded.  

Brian and Kathy, Cheryl and Tim and Linda and Alan had the corner booth, so we took the booth right next to them.  It worked out perfectly.

It gave us a chance to talk to everyone, and still have time with my parents.

It was a great first day with my parents!  Looking forward to more time with them!

On Wednesday, Steve and I got up and went to the gym so my parents could have a nice relaxing morning at the house, but when we returned, we found out that my mom was really feeling sick.  She has had a really rough winter this year, sick on and off for last few months, but they came down because they thought she was feeling better.  

Unfortunately, one day of illness turned into multiple days, so most of their visit was spent just hanging around the house.  We were able to get them out on the back porch to enjoy the sunshine and beautiful weather, but that was about it.  

When we got back from the gym on Friday morning, mom was feeling a little bit better.  She wanted to visit our 99 Cent store, because of all the great produce we get there, so we took her down there to walk around and then we were going to give them an island tour in the car.  After we finished the 99 Cent store tour, mom was feeling bad again, so we took her back to the house and we gave a quick island tour to dad.  He was amazed at how much the island had changed since the last time they were here.

At the end of our island tour we stopped by The Heat to take in the views for a few minutes, then headed back to the house to check on mom.  

We had some lunch and sat around for awhile longer, then they packed up and were on their way back home.  It certainly wasn't the trip that we had all hoped for, but it was nice to spend some time with them.  We hope that mom gets to feeling better soon!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Dollar Cabin RZR Ride (Sunday, March 25th, 2018)

We had another great ride with friends today to the Dollar Cabin.  I've been there before on the club chix ride last November, but Steve has never been, so he is super excited!

Today's ride is with Sam and Sharyn and their grandson Skyler, John and Tracy, Larry and Gerri, Gary and Jeff.  

Larry had a stroke last September and hasn't been able to do much driving since then, so today was a great opportunity for him to get out and have some fun with lots of friends to support him! He is an amazing driver and did super on the entire ride.  Great to see him driving again!

Crazy cactus.

We drove through a little area called Rosie's Corral.

This saguaro on the hill shows us where to turn out of the wash to get to the cabin.

Gerri brought along some compact hand towels that we have never seen before.  They are GREAT for RZR riding.  

You remove a pellet from the package and add a little bit of water.

And it slowly unfolds and turns into a hand towel.  Amazing and so compact!  They are a lot stronger than most wet wipes too.

Everyone found a comfortable seat for lunch.

We had pulled pork on a cheese bagel.  What a treat!

When we were done eating, we all packed up our stuff and headed out to check out the mine.

There's some cute animal art out in the yard of the cabin.

Making our way back home.

Gary had a break down.  We found out later that his primary clutch went out, but it brought him home so no big deal!  

Jeff, Steve and I all followed Gary all the way home in case he had any trouble, but his RZR was a trooper and got him there with no problems.  We did about 75 miles from our door until we were back at our door.  It was a great ride!  Looking forward to the next one.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Our Baby is Home! (Monday, March 11th - Friday, March 16th, 2018)

A sneak peak of Las Vegas.....

Our youngest daughter is home for spring break, and everyone knows what that means....spoil time!  We picked her up in Las Vegas on Sunday night at about midnight, stopped at In-N-Out for our traditional welcome meal and had a great drive home catching up on life.

She told us that she wants to play a lot of golf while she is home, so we scheduled a tee time every day while she is here.  We may have to cancel some of them, but hopefully we'll play a lot.  

Monday started out great by sleeping in after a late night, enjoying coffee on the back porch for hours, then off to the golf course as requested.

She makes me look like such a pee wee, but I'm OK with that!

 We were all tired after our 18 holes so we rested a short while and then decided it would be really fun to take a RZR ride.

We enjoyed a beautiful sunset from the hills above town.



Then back in the RZR for the ride home.

When we got back to the house, the weather was still gorgeous, so we all enjoyed dinner on the back porch.   When we eat crab, we always eat snow crab because we like it so well, but tonight we did a snow vs king crab comparison, and I think the snow crab still won.

Tuesday was another golf day, and another perfect day to be outside.  Our daughter's game is coming along well!

We love the wildlife on the golf course.

For dinner she chose Angelina's, one of her favorites, and ordered calamari and gnocchi with pink sauce, two of her favorites.


Man is it fun to have her home!

Wednesday morning I went in her room to wake her up, and she looked so comfortable that I had to just crawled in with her, but she was a cover hog, so I had to just get back up.

She needed a little more In-N-Out for lunch, so we stopped there again.  Don't let the bun fool you...she's our gluten free girl, so her's is the lettuce wrap.  She still loves In-N-Out, even without the bun.

Then back to golf again.  She is a trooper.  Golf is a hard game, and we thought she would get frustrated, but not even a little bit.  In fact, we discovered that she is the athletic one in the family and has picked the game right up.  She's making us look bad!

A great looking practice swing.


A little more spoiling...Doritos! 

Well that was a super successful day of golf.  I think she beat me, but luckily we weren't keeping score.  Now home to help her with taxes!

Thursday morning the weather wasn't great in Havasu.  We woke up to rain (which is great for the desert, but not for our daughters spring break), so we decided to change our plans and head down to Mexico (It is about a 3 hour drive) for a shopping day.

Purse shopping, but this wasn't the one....nor was any of the other 50 she looked at 😉.

The line was long heading back across the border, but it ended up only taking about 45 minutes to get through.  

After a fun morning in Mexico, we decided to stop at the Imperial Sand Dunes on our way home.  It's not far out of the way, and a beautiful stop.

When we got back in the car after visiting the dunes, it was late, so we told our daughter to see if she would find any where to eat in the small town of Blythe, CA on our way home.  She came up with a restaurant called Baja Fresh that sounded great, so we headed that way.  When we pulled in, we discovered that the fast food restaurant was actually in a gas station, which we weren't thrilled about, but went in and looked at the menu anyway.  The menu looked great, so we ordered.

Chips and a salsa bar come with every order.

And the meals were actually amazing!  Very fresh and flavorful!

We'll definitely do that again!

When we got home, we enjoyed a little chocolate wine (that Steve's mom had left for our daughter) on the back porch before we called it a night.  This was our last full day with our amazing daughter, and we weren't ready for it to end yet!

Our time with her here has been so good for all of us!  It is so hard living here, with her living in Colorado.  We cherish every moment that we get with her!

Today we dropped our daughter off in Las Vegas for her flight home.  It could have been a very sad day for all of us, but we didn't want that, so we decided to make it a fun day instead.

Now off to the airport so she can return to school, work, friends and the amazing life that she has created for herself!  We can't wait until we can do this again!  We miss her already!