Monday, June 27, 2016

Just Another Day in Paradise (Thursday, June 2nd, 2016)

We didn't drive our truck down to Lake Havasu City for this short adventure, so we have had to rely on friends to help us out with boating.  Luckily, we have lots of great friends that are happy to share their boats with a couple of hitch hikers.  

Since it is a weekday, the lake is nice and quiet.  

After a quick trip to Havasu Springs Resort for some drinks, we jumped in at the far southern end of the lake to cool off.  The water this time of year is about 82 degrees F and feels great!

When we left Havasu Springs Resort, we drove back up the lake to a spot called Three Dunes.  When we first pulled in, there was a terrible stench!  It didn't take us long to realize that there was a huge dead catfish laying on the shore.  There was no way we would be staying there, so we moved further down the shore where the smell wouldn't bother us.

We spent a very fun, relaxing afternoon playing on the beach and in the lake, just enjoying the beauty of Lake Havasu.

As the sun began to sink lower in the sky, we gathered up our things and made our way back to the channel.

As we dropped Brian and Kathy off in the channel, it was very quiet and peaceful with enough clouds for the chance of a good sunset.

 And as usual, it didn't disappoint us.  Another beautiful Arizona sunset.

 And we finished with a peaceful trip to the boat ramp.  

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