Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Cabin Time (June 12th and 13th, 2016)

Soon after we arrived home from Lake Havasu, we had an opportunity to meet our youngest daughter and Steve's parents at the family cabin for the weekend.  Our daughter just had one day to spend, so we picked her up on our way up to the cabin, and had to drop her back off that night, but it sure was great having a day with her.

Our view as we made our way toward the cabin
Our daughter and I love to see who can take the most unique pictures.  Here was my attempt, and unfortunately, I don't have any of her pictures to share.

Our walk to Lake Nakomis

The beaver dam at Lake Nakomis

All of the fishing boats lined up, ready to go!

A huge wasp nest!  Luckily, there was no one home

As we drove back down the mountain to drop our daughter off, we were greeted by a small, but beautiful rainbow.  What a treat! 

After dropping her off we returned back to the cabin.  We love the time in the car with her.  Always fun to ride along and catch-up a bit.  

And the next morning, we got to enjoy a  little more time in the mountains before we had to head home ourselves.

Steve's dad, not only fishing, but catching too!

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