Saturday, September 17, 2022

Bisbee Arizona, Disbursed Camping and Javelinas

After our long day of exploring old ranches, beautiful mountain passes and an open pit mine, we found ourselves a remote, quiet campsite just outside of Bisbee.  It was on top of a mountain, so it had incredible views, and was just one peak over from the Bisbee towers.

Our campsite overlooked the town of Bisbee, with beautiful views in all directions.  And the best news of all, since we were one peak over from the towers, we actually had great cell coverage.  That is always a bonus.

When we woke up in the morning, we noticed that something had definitely visited our camp over night.  There were spots everywhere where the earth was newly disturbed.  At first we couldn't figure out what had caused it.

Our curiosity was killing us, so we went looking for tracks.  And they weren't hard to find.  They were everywhere.

Our mystery was solved...we had been visited by javelinas during the night, and from the looks of our campsite, there were a lot of them.  I can't believe we didn't hear them as they came through.

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