Saturday, September 17, 2022

Bisbee, Arizona - Charming Town

The town of Bisbee is a blast from the past, and in fact, I believe that much of the town has been designated as a historic site, and it is home to the nations oldest, continually used ball park.

In addition to its historic status, Bisbee has become a very friendly, artsy community that is a ton of fun to visit. It is built on the side of hills, making it even more interesting.  Many houses are accessible only by stairs.  

Even the trees are artistic.

The downtown historic district is full of old historic buildings.

This building is the post office and library.  The balconies on the second and third floors have little tables for outside working and browsing, and of course, great views too.  There is no postal delivery in Bisbee, so the post office is fun to visit, with all of its original post office boxes and lots of people picking up mail.

The antique store across the street from the library has skeletons on the front porch.

This fly on the wall is visible from the balcony.

A pet parakeet going for a walk.

They say that the best way to explore Venice is to get lost, and I would say the same is true for the town of Bisbee.  And that is exactly what we did.

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