Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Rotary Park, Near Casper Mountain, WY

 Yesterday we visited the small town of Kaycee, Wyoming, and today we are going to hike near the Hogadon Basin Ski Area.  Just at the base of Casper Mountain is an area called Rotary Park.  It has all kinds of hiking trails for all abilities, but many are considered moderate to difficult.

We decided to take a cut-off trail that was pretty steep, with lots of view points along the way, that would eventually take us above the waterfall.

Being at altitude requires a little bit more resting than we have to do in Arizona, but this hike was definitely worth it.

Another fun spot to explore in this beautiful state, and I think I forgot to mention that the weather is perfect.  It will be cooling off very soon, but for now, it's perfect!

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