Friday, September 17, 2021

Mt. Lemmon Science Tour

It’s going to be a hot day in the city today, so we headed to Tucson to spend the day at Mount Lemmon where it is guaranteed to be nice and cool.  It’s predicted to be 106 degrees in the valley, but it should be about 40 degrees cooler at the top.

As we approached the mountain, we noticed a sign that we hadn’t noticed before, advertising a free app for the Mt. Lemmon Science Tour.  So we pulled over and downloaded it.  If you drive the speed limit going up the mountain, the apps timing is very accurate.  The most interesting fact that Steve and I picked up from the app is that in the 25 mile drive from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, you will drive through 4 climate zones, the same zones you would drive through if you drove from the Mexican border to the Canadian border.

Our first stop on the drive today was Windy Point Vista with its beautiful flat rocks.

When we reached the ski resort, we realized that the road to the top of the mountain was open today, so we were able to continue our trek up.
The views over the Aspen burn area didn’t disappoint.

When we got to the top, we took a little walk out on one of the trails and ended up at the top of the ski lift.

We are now at 9043 feet and 64 degrees.  Crazy!

You don’t see many of these in Arizona.

As we started heading down the mountain, we were met by some rain.

We made a quick trip through the town of Summer Haven, near the ski resort.  It’s very evident that they have had a wet year.  It looks more like Washington state than Arizona.

What an incredible way to spend a hot Arizona summer day, just relaxing on cool, comfortable Mt. Lemmon!

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