Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Our First September Harvest, WY

 When they bought the farm a year ago, it had been a bit neglected, and the garden was is rough shape.  Our daughter has worked really hard to try and get the weeds under control, improve the soil, and just make the garden something productive that she can be proud of.  We are happy to report that this summer was a huge success for her!  She produced enough for them to eat all summer, and is now preserving everything possible for the winter.  We are so proud of her, because it was no small undertaking!

Her cantaloupes we hilarious!  They were probably the sweetest cantaloupes we have ever eaten, but they were so tiny.  They were personal size for sure.  I think she was a little disappointed, but how can you be disappointed with anything that tastes that amazing.

Canning Mexican carrots with onions and jalapenos for the winter.

And prepping some garden hash for breakfast.  We are eating like kings!

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