Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Our Final Harvest in Wyoming

 Unfortunately, our time with our daughter is about over, we have had so much fun working in the garden, helping out around the house and farm, learning how to can, hiking, exploring and the list goes on and on.  Today was our final harvest, which makes me so sad.  She will continue to harvest for a few weeks after we are gone, until Mother Nature decides that it's time for the garden to rest for the winter.  

We said goodbye to the chickens, the goats, the dog and the garden.

And the sun said goodbye to us as we headed to bed preparing for our early flight in the morning.

There is no place that we would rather be than with our kids.  They bring us joy beyond belief.  But we are also so thankful that they have fulfilling lives that they love, living life on their own and enjoying every day.  We will return to Arizona knowing that our daughter is in a good place, living a life that she loves!

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