Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Golfing in the Rain (November 20th, 2019)

We love living in the desert, where we have beautiful weather nine months a year, and if you don't mind a little heat, it's gorgeous year around.  But every once in awhile, we are blessed with a little rain, which is both needed and wanted when it shows up.  Today we drove over to Needles, CA to play some golf at a little local course called River's Edge.  The weather was a little bit questionable, but we decided to give it a try anyway.  

As we played the first nine holes, it was very crowded, and was taking forever.  But as we hit hole eight, the wind came up and a storm started blowing in.  The rain hit quickly after that, and the course clear out almost immediately.  We decided to go ahead and finish out the first nine.

By the time we got back to the club house, the course was clear, and the rain had slowed, so we decided to continue on.  We played the last nine holes in record time because there was no one on the course with us.  It only took us about 1 1/2 hours, and was probably some of the best golf of our lives.  And the views with the clouds were such a refreshing sight.

On our way home, we stopped to enjoy the view of the river in the Havasu Wildlife Refuge.  It was so beautiful!

What a great day for golf.  Having the course to ourselves is always so much fun!

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